
- 所在学科安全科学与工程
- 研究方向先进防护材料与结构、基于机器学习的防护应用、结构建模与计算仿真、冲击动力学、人员损伤评估与防护
- 教育背景2009年9月—2013年7月 哈尔滨工业大学航天澳彩网 工程力学 学士
2013年8月—2017年5月 新加坡国立大学土木澳彩网 结构工程 博士 - 工作经历2017年3月—2019年8月 澳大利亚昆士兰大学土木澳彩网 博士后
2019年8月—2021年12月 澳彩网-澳彩app-澳门彩票网官方平台 副教授 博导
2021年12月至今 澳彩网-澳彩app-澳门彩票网官方平台 教授 博导 - 学术成果
1. 国家海外高层次人才计划青年项目“极端环境下XXX防护性能研究”,300万,在研
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“应对多点XXX技术-XXX人员交互XXX技术”,170万,在研。
3. 某技术领域基金”XXX多效应XXX人员的XXX判据”100万,在研。
4. 某预研项目“多波段XXX一体化材料研究”,72万,在研。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于腔棘鱼鳞微结构的纤维仿生设计与防刺机理研究”,52万,在研。
1.Liu M.Z., Liu S.Y., Li H.T., Zhang H.*, Huang G.Y.*(2024), "Prediction of puncture key parameters in aramid stab-resistant fabrics based on surface damage images using artificial neural networks"; Composites Science and Technology; 255(110713).
2.Liu M.Z., Li H.T., Zhou H.Y., Zhang H.*, Huang G.Y.*(2024), "Development of machine learning methods for mechanical problems associated with fibre composite materials; A review"; Composites Communications; 49(101988).
3.Wang Z., Zhang H.*, Dong Y.H., Zhou H.Y., Huang G.Y.* (2023), " Ballistic performance and protection mechanism of aramid fabric modified with polyethylene and graphene." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 237(107772).
4.Xu Y.J., Ma Y., Xie Y.C., Zhou Y., Zhang H. *, Huang G.Y.* (2023), " Experimental and numerical study on the ballistic performance of a ZnO-modified aramid fabric." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 175(104519).
5.Liu P., Liu Y.H., Wang Z., Chen J., Zhang H.*, Huang G.Y.* (2024), " A design model of multi-layer modified aramid fabrics against fragment simulating projectiles and full metal jacketed bullets." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 191(1044989).
6.Liu P., Wang Z., Zhou H.Y.,Zhang H. *, Huang G.Y.* (2023), " An analytical model to predict back face deformation of hybrid soft body armors under ballistic impact." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 175(104723).
7.Liu Y.H., Zhang H. *, Huang G.Y.*, Zhou H.Y., Chen J. Wang Z.H. (2023)," Theoretical model for predicting stabbing resistance of soft body armor comprising fibrous composites." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 175(104716).
8.Zhu X.F., Zhang H.*, Lu G.X.*, Zhou H.Y. (2023), "Impact response of gradient CNT-reinforced epoxy encapsulating materials with a printed circuit board." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 180(104726).
9.Zhou Y., Xie Y.C., Pan T., Zhu W., Zhang H.*, Huang G.Y.* (2023), " Flexible materials and structures for mitigating combined blast and fragment loadings." International Journal of Impact Engineering: 181(104759).
10.Xu Y.J., Zhang H. *, Huang G.Y.* (2023), " Review on the mechanical deterioration mechanism of aramid fabric under harsh environmental conditions." Polymer Testing: 128(108227).
11.Zhang H., Xie X. Y., Xie Y. W., Wang C. M. Jiao P. C.* (2020), “Extensible beam-like metastructures at the microscale theoretical and modified Hencky bar-chain modelling.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 180(105636).
12.Zhang H., Wang C. M., Challamel N. and Pan W.H. * (2020), "Calibration of Eringen's small length scale coefficient for buckling circular and annular plates via Hencky bar-net model." Applied Mathematical Modelling: 78(399-417).
13.Zhang H., Challamel N. *, Wang C. M. and Zhang Y.P. (2019), "Buckling of multiply connected bar-chain and its associated continualized nonlocal model." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 150(168-175).
14.Zhang H., Challamel N.*, Wang C. M. and Zhang Y.P. (2019). "Exact and nonlocal solutions for vibration of multiply connected bar-chain system with direct and indirect neighbouring interactions." Journal of Sound and Vibration: 443(63-73).
15.Zhu X.F., Chen X.M., Zhou H.Y, Zhang H.* (2024), " Protective performance of gradient encapsulating materials for printed circuit boards in fuze system during impact process." European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids: 107(105399).
16.Zhu X.F., Zhang H.*, Lu G.X.*, Zhou H.Y. (2022), "Nonlinear impulsive and vibration analysis of nonlocal FG-CNT reinforced sandwich plate by considering agglomerations." European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids: 92(104485).
17.Zhu X.F., Ma S.X., Zhang H.*, Lu G.X.*, Zhou H.Y. (2023), " Design and energy absorption of star-shaped nesting cells and gradient lattice structures with negative Poisson's ratio effect." Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures: accepted.
18.Wang C. Y., Zhang H.* and Wang C.M. (2020). "Vibration of a segmented rod." International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics: 2071011.
19.Pan W.H., Wang C. M. and Zhang H.* (2019). “Matrix method for buckling analysis of frames based on Hencky bar-chain model.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics: 19(8).
20.刘宇航,张宏*,黄广炎,周宏元 (2022). “高性能复合纤维的防刺机理” ,兵工学报,43 (9): 2143-2151.
21.王哲,刘鹏,陈婧,黄广炎,张宏* (2023). “弹道冲击下石墨烯和聚乙烯改性芳纶织物的钝伤防护性能” ,兵工学报,10.12382/bgxb.2022.0578.
22.袁名正,潘腾,卞晓兵,杨磊,周宏元,黄广炎,张宏* (2024). “曲面型纤维复材防护掩体在爆炸冲击波下的响应特性” ,兵工学报,44 (12): 3909-3920.
23.刘梦真,黄广炎,张宏*,周宏元,刘思宇 (2023). “小样本驱动特征分段网络的防护材料折痕检测” ,兵工学报,doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0884.
24.王泽华,潘腾,刘瀚,周宏元,黄广炎,张宏* (2024). “基于THUMS模型的人员胸部爆炸冲击波致伤机理研究” ,兵工学报,DOI: 10.12382/bgxb.2023.0724.
25.李豪天,崔欣雨,刘梦真,黄广炎,吕中杰,张宏* (2024). “基于孪生网络和区域注意力机制的球形爆炸破片毁伤效应识别研究” ,兵工学报,DOI: doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2023.1215.
26.马潮禾, 刘鹏, 陈婧, 周宏元, 黄广炎, 张宏* (2024). “基于纤维混杂的防弹防刺结构设计与优化” ,兵工学报,DOI: 10.12382/bgxb.2023.1164..
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
欢迎安全、力学、软件工程、计算机方向的优秀学生报考博士、硕士研究生 - 荣誉奖励1、公共安全科学技术科技进步一等奖
3、第二届国际先进材料、结构与机械工程会议最佳论文奖(共150篇论文参评) - 社会兼职《 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 》客座编辑